The Rocky Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge – which borders the north side of Central Park, right next to Beeler Park and North End – opened a free archery range earlier this summer.
The range has 10 lanes with shooting distances of 10 to 60 yards. The range is first come-first served, so no reservations are required. Youth under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. The range is open daily from sunrise to sunset at the Havana Ponds Trail on the south side of the Refuge.
As you can see on the Arsenal map, the range is due east of Central Park’s North End neighborhood, just off Havana (see the very bottom of the map).

The Arsenal has been hard at work expanding outdoor opportunities. Earlier this year the Arsenal added 8 miles of new hiking trails. The Arsenal also expanded visitor activities to include bicycling on select trails starting at the beginning of 2021. The new trail system has 3 parking lots for easy trail access.
The expanded trails include a 5 mile connection to the Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail. This transformative trail system could eventually connect Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Two Ponds, and Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuges to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Check out our post Bikers and hikers rejoice! Exciting news out of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal for more on the new trails.
Now, back to the archery range. What are the rules?

Archery Range Rules
1. Use of Range is at your own risk
2. Complete registration card in brochure box and deposit into brown registration box
3. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult
4. Only bows and arrows (Compound or Recurve) permitted
5. Only use field points or target points on range targets
6. Broadheads only permitted on Lane # 11
7. Shoot downrange at designated lane targets only
8. Only shoot from behind the designated shooting line
9. Maximum two archers per shooting lane
10. Nock arrows when downrange is clear of people and wildlife
11. Always draw bow parallel to the ground
12. Immediately cease shooting if people or wildlife come into range view
13. Recover arrows only when the shooting line is clear
Much of the range construction was completed by community members including the Outreach Team from Mile High Youth Corps, a Red Rocks Community College Student, American Conservation Experience, the USFWS Mid Plains Fire Team, and an Eagle Scout candidate who helped assemble the target sheds, build bow racks, and ground quivers and an information kiosk.
You can also check out the Arsenal’s new audio tour podcast while taking the 11-mile Wildlife Drive. You’ll learn about the 330 species of wildlife that call the Refuge home. The audio tour is also available on iTunes and Spotify.
Click here for the new Trails Map