Written by Amy Klin, Owner, The Lice Cure
Photo Credit: Steve Larson, Front Porch–Northeast Denver
Let’s get real for a minute and talk about a taboo topic. It’s the one we all dread, the one we have had or will have, and the one we don’t want to discuss: it’s Lice. Yep, I said it, LICE. It’s amazing how much havoc these tiny, harmless, parasites cause, the licemare for parents! With emotions ranging from denial to guilt or humiliation, the next step is the good ole blame game. How? Who? When? Where could this have come from?
We don’t want to share this with others because most of us grew up with the stigma that only dirty people get or have lice. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Personal hygiene, ethnicity, hair type, if you color treat, blow dry or flat iron your hair, none of these have any impact on lice – they are an opportunistic parasite. If they have the opportunity to make your head a home, they will. This can happen in the time it takes to give/get a hug.
While lice pose no health concerns, they can be a challenge to get rid of; along with lost time and money. Parents have to miss work and the kids miss school (it’s the 2nd reason for absences in school). Families spend days and weeks treating and combing, and don’t forget the house cleaning too! As parents we have enough on our daily to do list, treating head lice shouldn’t be one of them. I understand the stress this can cause; Been there, done that!
As a professionally trained Head Lice Specialist (yes, this actually exists), with my company The Lice Cure, I’ve had the opportunity to help many families in Stapleton, the Denver Metro area and throughout Colorado. It has been so rewarding to take the burden off of families, saving them time and money in the long run. TLC provides peace of mind and education around this topic, and families are armed with prevention going forward. The beer and wine that we provide, helps too! 😉
Below are the top 5 things to know surrounding head lice
Top 5 Things to Know About Head Lice:
1. The transfer. Head lice do not jump or fly, they have claws and crawl. They are an opportunistic parasite with head to head contact being the most common way of transfer. (ex.: a hug, a selfie, heads together on a trampoline, mat, or a pillow). Just think of all the places we, especially our kiddos, put their heads, yikes!
2. Detection. Detection can be tricky. On the head, the adult louse (bug) crawls quickly, and when peering through the hair, they scurry away making it challenging to see a bug. Given the gestation period most families will not have a visual of bug(s) and or egg(s) until after having had lice for 2-3 weeks. It is 3-7 days post transfer before a female louse begins to lay 6-10 eggs/day. Making it a needle in a haystack. Itching is not always present either, only around 40% will actually feel itchy, everyone has a different histamine reaction to the saliva of the bug.
3. Treatment. Common OTC treatments are only about 25% effective, and are quite toxic. Due to misuse and overuse, lice have grown resistant to the pesticide that is used in OTC treatments, hence the term “super lice.” This leaves families spinning their wheels for weeks, months and yes, even years!
4. Cleaning. You do not have to bag everything for weeks! The louse can only survive off of the scalp away from the host, it’s food source, for up to 48 hours. Also, save yourself some time and money and skip washing everything. Head lice can survive under water for hours. Studies have shown lice holding on to hair and not letting go when submerged under water. The tools needed are your vacuum and your dryer – it’s really easy!
5. Prevention. Tea tree oil, rosemary-mint and peppermint sprays are great daily deterrent, but not a 100% method of prevention. Oil treatments are the true prevention.
Due to delayed detection, stigma “Do not tell others,” low efficacy of common OTC treatment, myths and inaccurate information we have the perfect storm! An endless cycle of head lice! The Lice Cure, here to help lift the burden and provide a little TLC. Available 7 days a week.
DEAL ALERT: Mention Stapleton Scoop and receive 20% off preventative products through the end of 2018!
The Lice Cure
(303) 218-5305