Get Your Home Back-to-School Ready
As the dog days of summer wind down that can mean only one thing, school is back in session! For most families there’s a mixture of excitement, anxiety and relief with heading back to school. Schedules get busier, which can feel overwhelming, but a little organization can make a big difference. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or still figuring it out, at NEAT Method we have some tips to help you start the school year off a little NEAT-er.
Clear Out the 2023-24 School Year
Lingering 2023-’24 materials? It’s time to go through last year’s school papers, supplies, and clothes. Get rid of anything that’s no longer useful; sorry crumpled worksheets, half-used notebooks, and clothes that don’t fit or have holes; buh-bye! This might seem tedious, but it’s an essential first step to make space for the new school year. Get your kids to help too! Making them a part of this process is a great way to teach kids about letting go of the things they no longer need and how to embrace fresh starts. Donate items that are in good condition, places like ReCreative and The Art Garage are great for donating used school supplies and related items. Make sure to refer to their website to learn what and how to donate. Recycle what you can and throw away what’s left.
Create a Designated Homework Space
A dedicated homework space can make a huge difference in your child’s focus and productivity. Somewhere quiet, well-lit and free from as much distraction as possible. Sometimes distractions are unavoidable, if that’s the case consider a pair of noise canceling headphones. Equip the area with comfortable seating, organized storage for each kid, school supplies, and plenty of work space. We like to use NEAT canisters to store pencils, markers, and other project supplies. Label a folder for each kid to have as a landing spot for incoming papers, you know, as opposed to the kitchen island. And if space is an issue, the kitchen table can serve as a great work space. A cart on wheels is great to create a temporary homework station. Oh, and most importantly, make sure to have great snacks nearby!
Get Your Kitchen Ready for Lunches and Snacks
School mornings can often be rushed, having your kitchen ready for the school year can save you time and stress. Designate a space in your kitchen that you can dedicate to kids. Stock a shelf or drawer with quick grab-and-go snacks for lunches and after school activities. Keep all the lunchboxes and their accouterments together in a designated space. When everything is in its place, you can focus on more important things—like getting everyone out the door on time!
Own Your Calendar—Don’t Let Your Calendar Own You
The school calendar can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Get ahead of the game by syncing your school’s calendar with your own to keep track of important dates automatically. This will ensure that you don’t miss any crucial events or deadlines. Or, if you prefer the old-school way, now is the time to write everything down in your calendar. Consider using a family calendar in a central location, like the kitchen, that way everyone knows what’s coming up.
The Benefits of Organization: Less Stress, More Time
By getting organized now, you’re setting yourself up for success this school year. The benefits of a well-organized home reach beyond just making your life easier – it helps kids develop their own skills like how to manage their time, keep track of their belongings and stay focused on their tasks; lessons that will serve them well in school and beyond.
And if the thought of tackling all this on your own feels overwhelming, give NEAT Method a call to help. We specialize in creating beautifully tailored spaces designed to suit your individual needs and goals.
Check out this post for more organizational tips.