Written by guest author, Amy Klin – Owner of The Lice Cure

Happy back to school for all!  Hope everyone had a fabulous summer!

Here at The Lice Cure, we have been slammed!  Head Lice spikes during the summer, with higher exposure to others due to the ramp up of travels for all, here there and everywhere.  Add in, sleepovers and overnight summer camps, and we have the perfect storm!

Louse egg, pictured to the right of the dime on he slide

Did you Know?

Families will not detect head lice on one or more family members for 3 to 4 weeks after exposure.
Detection can be tricky before this time frame due to the following reasons: It is extremely difficult to visually see eggs and/or bugs.  Most families who have never had it before aren’t sure what to look for or what it looks like, or there is no histamine reaction present (that means NO ITCH).



Only around 40% of people who have head lice will feel itchy, 60% of people with head lice WILL FEEL NOTHING!

We have had moms call and ask how soon we can get to them as a bug just crawled down their forehead.  They were not itchy, and had it for 4 weeks!

Did You Know?

80% of the families that we treat, have been treating at home for weeks and months with common OTC products and/or home remedies (i.e. Cetaphyl, olive oil, mayo, and apple cider vinegar).  All of these treatment options have a low efficacy, which leaves exposure to others for 2-3 months!

This Video shows the first swipe with my nit comb on a kiddo that was treated with an OTC treatment.  This family was up until 4:00 a.m. treating everyone, and we saw them within 5 hours of their treatments.  Mom asked how many bugs I had found during treatment, and  I responded, “unsure, I stopped counting after 30 bugs.” Eeek!

Unfortunately, this is a common scenario that we see daily!

Taking Unwanted “Friends” to School

Adult Louse

School has begun and kiddos are taking their new “friends”  back to school with them, hence the outbreak and letters that will be sent home in September and October.  This is the reason that November is the busiest month at The Lice Cure!

If you have received word that you have been or may have been exposed, we highly recommend calling for a professional screening and/or preventative oil treatment.  The oil that we use will nip a bug in minutes.

We are your ER for head lice screening, treatment and removal. Our mobile specialists are available 7 days a week!

We are here and happy to help!

Preventative Products

DEAL ALERT: Please mention Stapleton Scoop to receive our Back-to-School promotion of 15% off of products and all services from Monday, August 19, 2019 through September 30, 2019.

Hope you all have a wonderful and lice free school year, cheers!

Photo Credit: Molly Garg Photography