Many Stapleton parents feel anxious about the Denver Public School (DPS) Round 1 Choice process, but there is really no need to – the DPS Choice Office is great and can be contacted any time for help!  And, you can also attend a class that brings together information and resources about Choice, deadlines, odds, admission priorities, Gifted & Talented programs, individual school information, before & after care, cost, private schools, and a LOT more.

The last Stapleton-specific Preparing for Denver Kindergarten group information session of the season will take place Saturday, 1/19/19 from 9:30am – 1:30pm at Progress Coworking near the Stanley Marketplace. This is the LAST Stapleton-specific class before the Round 1 Choice Deadline! The course is $100 per couple and includes free childcare for kiddos aged 2+.

Join us to learn about the Denver Public School (DPS) system, the DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone (SEZ), its Proximity Zones, and the Stapleton community-decided admission priorities that apply to each of the six Elementary Schools.

Did you know that you are legally guaranteed a spot at ONE of the six Stapleton Enrollment Zone Elementary Schools starting in Kindergarten?  Current SEZ Elementary Schools include Inspire, Bill Roberts K-8, High Tech, Swigert IB, Isabella Bird Community School, and Westerly Creek.

Hear information about SEZ Proximity Zones, Round 1 Choice, Round 2 Choice, and Wait lists.

Did you know that Round 1 moved to the end of February?  You now have an extra month to tour schools.

You will be able to list up to five school options via Round 1 Choice.

Did you know that Polaris and Teller are both Highly Gifted (HGT) feeder sites for eligible Stapleton Enrollment Zone kiddos?

Discuss the Accelerated Kindergarten and clustering programs at Bill Roberts (testing done after school starts), and Gifted & Talented (GT) support at each of the SEZ Elementary Schools.

Did you know that Isabella Bird, Inspire, Swigert, and High Tech are all Innovation Schools?

Deep dive into each of the six SEZ Elementary Schools, as well as nearby lottery schools (Charter public, Dual Language, Expeditionary, Montessori, IB, etc.).

Did you know that only one SEZ school has ECE3 (High Tech has ½ Day ECE3) and all but Inspire currently have ECE4 (High Tech, Bill Roberts, Westerly Creek, Isabella Bird, and Swigert)?  Did you know that ECE ½ Day maxes out at $424 and ECE Full Day maxes out at $848 per month, depending on family size and income?

Explore Preschool (ECE3 and ECE4) options for Stapleton, none of which are guaranteed (simple supply and demand, not enough seats). 

Did you know that Colorado is only one of four states with such a late cutoff (3/4/5 years old by 10/01)?

Learn about when to start Kindergarten and best practices re: retaining/holding back, especially if you have a kiddo with an August or September birthday.

Did you know that Colorado Academy K-12 runs 900 miles of bussing a day, and many Stapleton parents take advantage?

Find out what types of private schools are in the Stapleton and surrounding areas (Gifted/Creative, Parochial/Religious, Montessori, Waldorf, International/Dual Language, Progressive, Traditional, and Micro).

Did you know that all Kindergarten in DPS is full day and is not free?

Public Kinder maxes out at $310/month, depending on family size and income. 

Did you know that all Stapleton kiddos can take the bus if they attend a Stapleton Enrollment Zone Elementary School and live more than a walkable mile away from the school they attend?

This is one of the many benefits of living in Stapleton!

We hope you’ll join us – registration is open at