Wonderland Homes is building four home series in Stapleton!  They have two home detached series, one known as Heritage and the other known as Expressions.

In addition to those two series they’ve selling their Edge II town homes and they are now started to sell their Terrace Homes row homes across the street from Central Park in existing Stapleton.  Read on to learn about all 4 series!   If you’re interested let’s chat, at the price point Wonderland serves (high $300k’s to high $400k’s) the market is moving really fast.  Visit our Wonderland Pinterest Board to see tons of pictures we took models from both home series!

Heritage is similar to the Traditions series that Wonderland built in other Stapleton neighborhoods.  It’s their traditional series from an architectural standpoint and it will appeal to those who like Craftsman, Prairie and Farmhouse style exteriors.  The homes are base priced in the mid/high $300k’s and after lot premiums and finishes I’d expect many buyers to end in the low to mid $400k’s range.  (You can hit high $400k’s if you go all out)

They have 2-3 bedrooms depending on the plan and range in square footage from 1,322 – 1,759.  For the most part the homes will be built on a courtyard, similar to those in Central Park West.  We live on something similar to these, a “mews”, and we love having the kids be able to run around right out front without having to constantly worry about traffic.  The majority of the plans are two story homes but they do have three plans that are ranches, the Clarkson, the Emerson and the Logan.  One the two story plans has a main floor master bedroom, which may appeal to buyers looking for main floor living in the high $300k’s/low $400k’s.  Of the 7 homes they’ll build in this series 4 are brand new!  Wanna check out the floor plans?  Click here to go the company’s website where they provide floor plans and pricing.

Expressions StapletonThe other detached home series that Wonderland Homes is building  is known as the Expressions series.  This series is similar to the Innovations series they were selling previously in Stapleton.  It’s their modern series, a stark contrast to the more traditional series.  This series is much more asymmetrical, more simple in terms of exterior detailing and usually makes use of a couple of different exterior materials.  I find that this series is pretty polarizing with buyers, either they think it looks strange or they love it and they think there is nothing like it and they can’t wait to buy it.  Not many people are neutral on these.  (Based on a current interest list of over 200 people I’d say plenty of people are loving it!)  If you’re looking for a modern home in Stapleton it’s either this series or Infinity Homes but Infinity, although amazing, is in a much higher price point.  These homes have base prices in the upper $300k’s/low $400k’s.   Keep in mind that with lot premiums and finishes many of these are likely going to end up in the mid to even upper $400k’s end price range.  The square footage on these homes ranges from 1,428 to 1,904 and they have 2-3 bedrooms depending on the plan.  There are 5 floor plans, 4 of which will be two story and one ranch.  Wonderland has a ton of interest so if you want a modern single family detached in the $400k – $475k range in Willow Park East you’ll need to be on the ball and act quickly.   To see the floor plans and pricing for Expressions click here then look on the right side of the page to access the plans.

edge IIWonderland’s Edge II series is their modern style town home series.  Starting in the high $300k’s these are a very popular option for buyers.  There are four floor plans in the series with roughly 1,500 – 1,900 sf depending on the plan.  They have two bedrooms but you can finish the basement to add a third.  For more info on this series click here.



terrace homes

Last but not least, Wonderland has started to sell their Terrace Homes series in existing Stapleton (South of I-70) across from Central Park.  The Terrace Homes are row homes with a traditional exterior style clad with stucco and brick.  There will be 4 floor plans in the series, all of which are attached.   The homes range in sf from 1,600  -2,000.  (Not including finished basement space which is an option!) Click here for more info!


For more information about Wonderland Homes or homes by any other builder in Stapleton please give me a call or send me an email.  I love helping buyers find the right home that fits their needs and since I’m not affiliated with any one builder I can show buyers all the options, including resale homes!  The market is hot so get a knowledgeable local Realtor on your side.  To stay current on things in Stapleton, not just real estate, be sure to sign up for the Stapleton Scoop.


  • Farizki
    Posted February 14, 2016 10:52 am 0Likes

    it’s a double saardtnd because if he was slapping a man no one would care.-Commander says that he changed too many variables so the argument is invalid.-A variable (or more specifically an independent variable ) is the attribute or quality a researcher will change to observe the altered output (or dependent variable ) of an experiment.-Ideally an experiment changes one variable at a time for the most reliable results. For example, if you want to measure what freezes faster, hot water or cold water, your only variable should be the temperature of the water. All of the other variables such as the volume of the water, the purity of the water, and the temperature of the freezing chamber must remain constant for accurate results. If you froze 10mL of cold filtered water in a shallow pan at -5C vS 20mL of warm salt water in a graduated cylider at -35C, too many variables would have been changed and the results would be dismissable.-Duke altered his target from a small woman in her underwear to a large man in body armour, so too many variables have been altered to validate his hypothesis.-In an effort to minimize the number of variables, they strip Fenix down to a comparable percentage of exposed flesh. (it should be known that this still does not minimize the variables to one, an ideal experiment would either make the girls 250lb bodybuilders or the men equally small and helpless, but that wouldn’t be as funny)-Duke realizes that yes, people will probably end up complaining if he makes a game out of carrying around and slapping a swimwear-clad Fenix.-Commander informs him that as long as everyone is complaining the same amount, he will be allowed to play his game in peace. This does not mean that people will stop complaining all together, but an equally negative response all around will balance the scales.The only point the comic is trying to make is that a large man in body armour is not the same thing as small woman in a bikini. If you missed that, well, I guess that’s your bad, I can’t really make it any clearer for you. The comic is not denying that double saardtnds exist, only stating that in this case too many variables have been altered to claim that double saardtnds are to blame for the controversey. Nor does it state that the inclusion of such a minigame would make people stop complaining, only that it would make an equal number of people complain all around. Really, this comic is barely about sexism, equality or what developers should or shouldn’t do at all; it’s about people who skew the scientific process to force the results into suiting their hypothesis.Although, if you think that no one would complain about a Duke Nukem game that involved carrying around swimwear clad space marines and slapping their asses, I fear that you’re overestimating the open-mindedness of what has become the console multiplayer environment. Perhaps watch the and consider how many of these players would respond to finding such a minigame in Duke Nukem next to Capture the Babe. So called straight male gamers have been noted to in other situations where games were made to appeal to a larger demographic by being more inclusive to all genders or sexualities, so I imagine a capture the hunk game would see a similar response.But hey, if I’m wrong, everybody thinks it’s funny and no one has any issues at all then they should include both minigame variants. Everyone will be happy and get a lot of laughs, the arguments of the people complaining about sexism will be invalidated. No downside!

  • http://kristinmichellephotos.com/
    Posted March 29, 2016 3:07 pm 0Likes

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    Posted March 29, 2016 3:28 pm 0Likes

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    Posted March 30, 2016 6:27 pm 0Likes

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    Posted March 31, 2016 4:32 pm 0Likes

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    Posted April 1, 2016 9:01 am 0Likes

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    Posted April 6, 2016 2:47 pm 0Likes

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    Posted April 14, 2016 2:44 pm 0Likes

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  • http://www./
    Posted November 13, 2016 6:15 pm 0Likes

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  • http://www./
    Posted November 15, 2016 6:40 pm 0Likes

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  • Lisa
    Posted January 2, 2017 9:27 pm 0Likes

    Salam K.zarina,Just find out about your blog.. very infevmatiros.. Akan ke South Korea for a course this Sunday(24th April) and back to Malaysia on Friday.Will be at Suwon.Wonder if there any possibilities of nak minta any of the Malaysian students utk guide for jalan2 or shopping there and what is the cost if only for 1-3 days(after the course class)je?1st time to S.Korea so clueless about what to expect there.Thanx

  • Cash
    Posted January 2, 2017 9:48 pm 0Likes

    Ottima mangiata e ottima chsiecherata!Mcsiaggao per tutti quelli preoccupati per la mia trasferta: state tranquilli, sono tornato a casa sano e salvo, nonostante il mio navigatore opensource abbia tentato in tutti i modi di farmi finire fuori strada. 🙂

  • kredit für arbeitnehmer
    Posted February 8, 2017 3:58 pm 0Likes

    What a beautiful cake! I don’t like garbanzo bean flour either, so I’ve avoided tryig the Bob’s mix. I’ve had good success with the Namaste products I’ve tried – can’t remember if I’ve tried their cake mix. I appreciate you taking the time to review the mixes and pass along your opinions.

  • urlaubskredit
    Posted February 12, 2017 5:16 pm 0Likes

    Wow, guys, thanks so much for these wonderful free images! I totally love all your eco-friendly photos, and agree with Natasha: I’d love to see more of those! 🙂 Keep up the good work.

  • http://www.hackcheatstool.us/
    Posted February 26, 2017 4:45 pm 0Likes


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