Dear Neighbors,

Here are some updates for the community.

Two Public Meetings about Transit Oriented Development:

There will be two public meetings on Forest City’s proposed transit oriented development (TOD) of Stapleton’s Central Park Station.

(1) Thursday, June 29th from 6:30 to 8 p.m., third floor meeting room of Stapleton’s Master Community Association (7350 E. 29th Avenue in the 29th Avenue Town Center).
(2) Tuesday July 18th, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Central Park Recreation Center Multipurpose room (note, this is in place of a typical SUN meeting for July).
More information about TOD:…pdf

The 14th Annual Stapleton Kickball Tournament to be held September 9, 2017

Tournament will take places on the fields at Stanley Marketplace.  Sign up your team today on SUN’s web site. Proceeds from the 14th Annual Kickball Tournament will benefit: The Urban Farm.

SUN’s Notes from the June CAB-ZAP meeting
Stapleton Zoning and Planning (ZAP) Meeting
7350 E 29th Ave, Suite 200 (SDC Office)
Tuesday, June 13th ~ 4:30 PM

1)      Denver Public Schools, Stapleton Park Street School, 57th & Galena – Inspire Elementary.
Construction starting this July, completing July 2018. Opening Fall 2018
Elementary K-5, ability to expand through 8.) 800 kids, 90K sq feet, 5 classrooms per grade
Grounds: soccer field, baseball field, playground
Interior: 1st floor, K, 1, 2; 2nd floor: 3, 4, 5, pods arranged by grade. 5 classrooms per grade except for ECE where there are 3 classrooms total for ECE space
Main entrance will have a large gathering space also used as the library. There will be smaller study rooms within the library as well.
If this is slated for expansion through 8th grade, there will be space for 450 more seats for a middle school
This presentation is the product of a design process
Elmyra Street will hold upper grade drop-off traffic, and Galena will carry ECE/K drop off traffic.  Cafeteria will border parking area.

2)      Proposed Rezoning for F51 (South East Corner of CPB and MLK), resident-lead presentation
Primary concern: up to 224 units, 5 stories. Residents prefer MRH3. Residents’ concerns about increased traffic in the area include the Mint, CPB completion, MLK completion, Punch Bowl Social, and the TOD.  This is the main intersection in Stapleton. Main access/egress would not be on CPB or MLK, entrances would be from Willow or 29th place.
Concerns over commercial on the 1st floor might not be compatible with nearby residents.
Eastbridge, Towncenter, and Punchbowl are nearby and fulfill the need for retail in the community.
Neighbors plan to speak to City Council (July 10th) and the SUN board (June 20th) for support.
Q/A: previous concerns have included height.  Now concerns seem to also include retail.
Q/A: Why is the rezoning happening in abstract? Tom: in 2010, when rezoning happened, this parcel was overlooked.  It’s currently CMU20, which seems incompatible.  Tom Gleason has promised (now) a supplemental covenant stating development immediately adjacent to willow and 29th will be limited in height to 3 stories.  A covenant restricts right by use allowed by zoning.

3)      Forest City Updates, Tom Gleason, Vice President – Public Relations,
Next phase of Aster at Conservatory Green: 47th Yosemite, CPB and NF blvd. (NE tip will be donated for affordable senior housing – 70 units), 265 units for rent in Aster.  Construction could start in September.
6/29 Public Forum on Stapleton TOD  – 3rd floor in MCA space. This came out of a broker event 1 week ago.  Evergreen had done a good job getting community input.
o   Being publicized with City Council’s newsletter,
o   The July Front Porch will be distributed 2 days before this meeting, (full distribution takes 3 days),
o   SUN can email distribution list and facebook page.
o   Renderings will be based on building elevations, site plans,
o   Forest City will not release site plans to the Front Porch in advance

Mint: end of summer (August) – first units being turned over. No announcements about retail ready
Punch Bowl – no timeline.
Emporia/Dayton opening – needs to be accepted by city of Aurora, should be open within a week
Wednesday June 21st – Grand opening of King Soopers
East of Moline – single family, market rate apartments, hotels, no retail planned.  Affordable rental housing in Denver parcels.

Minutes from the June SUN meeting

Stapleton United Neighbors Board of Directors June 20, 2017 Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 20, 6:30–8:30 pm
Central Park Recreation Center, 9651 E. Martin Luther King Blvd

1.   Approve or modify agenda (approved)
2.   Approve minutes from last board meeting (no meeting last month)
3.   Open forum from community
(a)    Filing 51 rezoning
Residents spoke first and their comments reflected their written comments sent previously to the SUN Board.
Tom Gleason reminded everyone that there is a public hearing on [July 24th] to city council.
(b) Denver Police spoke about the need to keep garages closed and Stapleton’s otherwise low crime rate.
(c) Eric from NE Transportation Connections announced Bike To Work Day on June 28, several stations in Stapleton.
4.   Survey Results presented to the room. First results will be published in the July 1st Front Porch Newspaper.
5.   Board Officer Selection
(a)    President – Previous: Amanda Allshouse , New term: Amanda Allshouse
(b)    Vice President – Previous: Damon Knop, New term: Damon Knop
(c)     Treasurer – Previous: Bryan Penny, New term: Bryan Penny
(d)    Secretary – Previous: Jennifer Arzberger, New term: Mark Mehringer
6.   Committee Chairs/Members/Liaisons – 20 min
(a)    Transportation
o   New term: Greg Calderon
(b)    Outreach/Block Captains
o   New term: Gloria DuBois, Mark Mehringer, Geoff Horsfall
(c)     Safety/Neighborhood Watch
o   New term: Ben Whitney
(d)    Education
o   Northfield Specific: Jennifer Arzberger, Geoff Horsfall, Damon Knop
o   Expo: Gloria DuBois
(e)    Kickball
o   New term: Bryan Penny, Erin Jones, Jennifer Arzberger, Nick Massey, Jeff Barron
(f)      Sustainability
o   New term: Mark Mehringer and Geoff Horsfall
(g)    Business Recruitment
o   New term: (committee disbanded)
(h)    Citizens Advisory Board
o   New term: Damon Knop, Lucia Correll
(i)      SUN Parks Advisory Group
o   New term: Lucia Correll and Greg Calderon
(j)      CAB Zoning and Planning
o   New term: Amanda Allshouse
(k)    Stapleton Design Review Committee
o   New term: SUN participation discontinued
(l)      CAB Housing and Diversity
o   New term: Damon Knop
(m)  Stapleton Public Art Committee
o   New term: Bryan Penny
(n)    Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation
o   New term: Erin Jones
(o)    Park Creek Metro District / Westerly Creek Metro District
o   New term: SUN participation discontinued
(p)    Front Porch Liaison:
o   New Term: Amanda Allshouse
7.   2 empty board seats remain.
8.   Kickball Tournament – September 7, 2017
9.   New Business
a.       Cheryl Hermann  – outreach – board with different groups / outreach forums.
b.       Sustainability Club Events to fund SUN to have a better web site.
10. Additional discussion of earlier agenda items if and to the extent requested by a board member – limited to time remaining before scheduled end time of meeting but board, by majority vote, may extend the discussion beyond the scheduled end time
11.  Adjourn

Have a great holiday weekend!
Thank You,

The SUN Board