In case you haven’t heard, Kurt Dennis was fired today as the principal of McAuliffe for speaking up about a safety issue that he thought put his students and staff in danger.

Anger. Frustration. Disappointment for our kids.  Disbelief.  More anger.  I have a lot of emotions going through me this evening, as do a whole lot of other people in the community. 

I don’t want this post to be a negative rant about DPS though. I’m sure that is readily available on the social media platform of your choice. This blog has always been focused on the positive in and around our community because we all know there is endless negativity out there in the world already.

So if I’m not going to rant, what do I want to say about all this?

I want to focus on Kurt as a leader and his last lesson that he’s teaching the McAuliffe community through his choice to speak up when he saw something wrong.

For those of you not aware of the situation I’ll catch you with a quick summary.  After the East High shooting in March this year, it came out that some students in DPS, like the one that shot the two administrators at East, were so high risk that the DPS Administration forced the school staff to pat them down daily for guns and weapons before entering school.  Kurt was being asked to complete this same daily pat down process of a student at McAuliffe.  He first raised his concerns internally within DPS, sharing with them that he didn’t feel it was appropriate that kids this high risk come to school in person (he suggested an online program) and that he didn’t feel he or his staff were adequately trained to pat down students each morning.  When DPS denied his request to stop this practice and forced him to continue this pat down process he then decided he needed to speak up in a larger public format.  He went to Channel 9 News to shed light on this major safety issue, knowing that it may not end well for him.  (You can see that first Channel 9 story here)

For his actions above DPS fired him. (You can see the story about his firing here)

Anyone who knows Kurt or has had children go through McAuliffe over the years can tell you about the type of leader he is.  When we went to the school’s 6th grade orientation for our oldest daughter I remember after Kurt spoke my wife and I looked at each other and whispered, “I want to go here”.  Kurt is so enthusiastic and caring and it comes through in all that he does.  Not just when he’s in the spotlight on stage either, it’s all the time.  If you ever dropped off or picked up your child from school you’d see him around picking up trash, opening the door for students, gently correcting them when they were late or not where they were supposed to be.  I once saw him gently coaxing a special needs student out of tree out in front of the school!  Even then, in a pretty ridiculous situation with a kid being very rude to him, he did it in a respectful and caring way.  He was constantly putting the kids first and modeling servant leadership.

So what’s Kurt’s last lesson at McAuliffe that we as a community can’t afford to miss?

The lesson is you do the right thing even when you know it’s going to cost you. 

If we all absorb that lesson and take the time to talk about Kurt’s example with our kids, whether they go to McAuliffe now or went 10 years ago, then Kurt’s actions and his firing will be less of a gigantic waste of a wonderful leader.

It’s not just a lesson for the kids, it’s for all of us adults too.  It’s always easier to keep your head down and not speak up….but that’s what we’re all called to do when we see something wrong.  I’m as guilty as anyone on this topic of avoiding conflict. I doubt I would have had the courage to do what Kurt did.

Kurt knew his actions were going to bring a lot of conflict to his life and a lot of problems to him as well as his family.  But his job was not to be comfortable, it was to be the leader and put the kids as well as the staff above himself. And that is exactly what he did by speaking up.

Kurt tried to raise the issue internally with DPS, giving them a chance to do the right thing and adjust their unsafe policy.  That’s what we should do when we have an issue…try to resolve it with the person involved directly if you can.  If that doesn’t work, then you raise the issue to the next level if it is to protect others in a possible risk.

In the short term, speaking up cost him his job and it puts him in the eye of a storm that I’m sure he’d rather not be in.  I imagine he was twisted up in knots making the decision to do what he did, but ultimately it was the right thing to do and he knew it.  So he acted on it.  How often do we instead just keep our head down and look the other way because acting could have negative consequences for us?

The short term pain of the situation will eventually pass for Kurt, and it will for us too in our lives when we speak up and do the right thing.  When we do the right thing we don’t have to live with the regrets of not doing what he knew to be right. If something would have happened at McAuliffe and he didn’t speak up about this safety issue Kurt could have had a lifetime of regrets.

Kurt should have been honored with a big going away party when he chose to leave McAuliffe years from now.  He shouldn’t have been fired and unceremoniously cut off from the community he built.  But if we pay attention to his last lesson, to always do what you know is right even when it costs you, there is no better way Kurt could have left the school and the community he largely built.  Through this action his legacy is cemented as a true servant leader in my mind.  

Don’t miss the last lesson and please forward it to all your friends, family, kids, neighbors etc that have been touched by Kurt’s leadership over the years. 

Kurt, thanks for all your work at McAuliffe.  You have no idea how many supporters you have in the community and we love you.


  • Chris Wardrep
    Posted July 7, 2023 6:19 am 0Likes

    Kurt sounds like the perfect example for the kids at McAuliffe. Glad he spoke up! I think it’s a little odd to ask school administration to pat down its students for weapons, and selected students at that. I’m sure there’s a civil rights attorney out there who’s going to have a field day with this one. Best wishes to Kurt on his next endeavor. They will be lucky to have him!

  • Marla McHugh
    Posted July 7, 2023 7:39 am 0Likes

    This article is wonderfully written and truly speaks to the amazing person/role model Kurt has been to my sons. We have since moved from the neighborhood and I was unaware of the situation. Thank you.

  • Kristin kaplan
    Posted July 7, 2023 8:56 am 0Likes

    Kurt, you are a hero.. you are a true hero for all people…. Kids and adults to look up to and to follow your true and honest way of living your life. McAuliffe was so darn lucky to have you as their leader. The staff and the kiddos. You are to be commended for being a hero!

  • Phil Fernandez
    Posted July 7, 2023 10:22 am 0Likes

    Thanks for writing this article and bringing light to this. I was completely unware of what happened. So disappointed DPS took such action against Kurt who seems to have been such a great Educator at McAuliffe. My Daughter has McAuliffe as her second choice once she completes her 5th grade year next year. It’s sad she will not be able to learn how good of a leader Kurt appears to have been at McAuliffe. Thank you Kurt for standing up and defending the current students that are there. A heroic action for sure!!

  • Blake Turner
    Posted July 7, 2023 10:31 am 0Likes

    Kurt, thanks to you and your courage to do what is right, there will be others who think and act on their convictions. So, your example of doing the right thing will be a path for which others will act
    and make a difference.
    This, too, shall pass, but, it is always the example that you have shown that will be in our hearts and minds forever!!!

  • Laurel
    Posted July 7, 2023 10:35 am 0Likes

    I completely agree. What a loss for our community, but what a great example of integrity for us and our kids. As a teacher, I am hopeful that this will help make some badly needed change.

  • Tiffany Burke
    Posted July 7, 2023 11:37 am 0Likes

    We love Kurt!
    We thank him for his bravery! We thank him for putting the safety and well being of kids first! I admired his calm leadership during all the growth and transitions that occurred over the last 7 years or so. I’ll note that every, literally EVERY interaction with Kurt was positive. His sincere service heart radiates with his ambition to provide an education to everyone.

  • Suzi
    Posted July 7, 2023 2:04 pm 0Likes

    As a former teacher, I have had the opportunity to work with talented school leaders and experience how their leadership influences every aspect of students’ wellbeing and academic achievement. It’s the reason why school leadership has been a guiding principle to selecting my own children’s schools. I chose
    McCauliffe MS because I trusted Kurt, and like so many hundreds of other families in Denver, I believe it was one of the best decisions I’ve made as a parent. He created a model program from the ground up, recruited excellent and caring teachers, and built a community based on Students First. Or in the words of my son, “He was kind, very fair, and he did his best to make middle school a better experience for everyone.”
    Kurt, thank you for your bravery and leadership, and I hope our community can plan an event to honor your years of dedicated, selfless service.

  • Anisha
    Posted July 8, 2023 6:03 am 0Likes

    Mr, Dennis is a perfect role model for all students and staff.whileat McAuliffe I loved working with him and his team. The cafeteria staff also loved how he would always included us considering the team as part of the McAuliffe team.
    Mr Dennis thank you for your for leadership and spreading the truth I hope the community can plan something to honor you. My heart breaks to know that you will not be there this coming school year to be apart of the New and current students and staff. You have made such a positive impact on others that have came before thank you Mr Dennis.

  • David Stevens
    Posted July 9, 2023 8:04 am 0Likes

    In recent times, there has been a concerning erosion of disciplinary authority among teachers and administrators, driven by the desire to ensure high graduation rates and college admission for all students. Regrettably, this approach disproportionately burdens the majority while attempting to improve opportunities for a mere fraction of the student population. It is essential to examine the need for a balanced approach that prioritizes the well-being of all students and seeks to establish a conducive learning environment.

    Within a society, rules and norms play a vital role in establishing order and harmony. It is crucial to recognize that not all individuals are suited to conform seamlessly to societal expectations. However, to maintain a structured educational environment, it becomes necessary to address the issue of disruptive behavior promptly and effectively. Students who consistently disrupt classes, intimidate their peers, or engage in violent acts should be thoughtfully relocated to educational settings such as military schools or correctional facilities.

    Allowing disruptive students to remain in public schools poses significant risks to the safety and well-being of the entire student body. Moreover, it adversely impacts the quality of education for all students involved. A permissive approach inadvertently communicates a message that actions carry no consequences, undermining the development of responsible and respectful citizens. Therefore, it is crucial to reintroduce common sense and proactive measures within our educational institutions.

    Educational leaders, exemplified by individuals like Mr. Dennis, have a critical role in challenging inadequate policies imposed by school boards. While recognizing and applauding Mr. Dennis for speaking out, it is essential to acknowledge the need for timely action to rectify problematic situations. Educators should not be burdened with the responsibility of safety officers; rather, collaboration with trained security personnel and law enforcement becomes imperative to maintain a secure environment. The presence of students requiring daily pat-downs underscores the urgency of evaluating and revising existing school policies.

    In light of these concerns, it is important to rally all teachers and school staff to voice their dissent when asked to implement policies that lack coherence. DPS and Superintendent Marrero should reflect upon the implications of their decisions and reevaluate policies that compromise the safety and educational experience of students. By standing united against ill-conceived measures, educators can play an instrumental role in shaping a safer and more effective educational system.

    The recent dismissal of Kurt Dennis as the principal of McAuliffe, following his brave stance on a safety issue, has evoked a range of emotions within the community. Despite the disappointment surrounding this event, it is crucial to shift our focus towards the lessons Mr. Dennis leaves behind. His unwavering commitment to doing what is right, even at great personal cost, serves as an invaluable example for both students and adults alike. Let us embrace this lesson and continue to advocate for positive change in our educational institutions, ensuring the well-being and growth of all students.

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