Interested in joining a community book club? New to the neighborhood and looking to meet people in a casual and friendly environment? Searching for activities you can enjoy with an aging parent or, conversely, an adult child? Check out the Newcomers Book Club.

The club was started by a couple of Central Park residents who moved here to be closer to their kids and grandkids. In an effort to meet people and keep their minds active, they started the Newcomers Book Club. Initially, most members were over 50 but the club has expanded and current members range in age from 20 to 75+.

The meetings are held roughly once a month but are subject to change based on holiday and vacation schedules. There are no obligations to attend every meeting or host any meetings. While the group name is “newcomers,” you don’t have to be new to the neighborhood nor do you have to complete the reading in order to participate (although that’s the goal).

In recent months, due to Covid-19 and weather, the meetings have been held via zoom. This week, however, the group was excited to hold their first outdoor meeting since last year. Here are the details if you think you’d like to attend:

Day: Sundays

Time: 5:00pm – whenever (stay and chat as long as you’d like)

Location: Fulton Park (the SW corner of 26th Ave & Fulton St a few blocks east of the Stanley Marketplace)

What to bring: yourself and a folding chair if you have one.

If you’re interested in joining the group, feel free to call/text/email me via the contact info below and I’ll gladly put you in touch with the group organizers.


  • Viv Levin
    Posted April 28, 2021 12:57 pm 0Likes

    I’m a traveling grandma, based in Central Park. Would love to meet others that have moved to CO to be closer to their kids and g-kids. I’m originally from Chicago and live here and northern CA with my other kids and g-kids.

  • Kailee Ackerman
    Posted April 28, 2021 10:20 pm 0Likes

    Hi Viv. The group would love to have you. Please send me an email at [email protected] or call/text me at 720-633-6282 and a I’ll connect you with the group’s organizers.

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