I recently had a chance to meet Kevin Tafoya with Farmers Insurance in Stapleton. Kevin has been with Farmers Insurance for nearly 20 years and in addition to working a lot in Stapleton he also lives there with his family. I can tell Kevin is passionate about his business and providing great customer service to his clients. I stopped by to visit with him and Aaron in their Stapleton office. Check out the video below to learn about Kevin’s insurance business and to hear about the free child identification packets that they offer the community. These ID packets are great, in the event a child is abducted the amount of time it takes for the Amber Alert system to go into effect is decreased dramatically, which is critical. The packets are easy to fill out and you can pick one up by visiting Kevin or Aaron at 2332 Central Park Blvd Denver, CO 80238 or by calling them at (303) 955-0861.

About Joe Phillips
Joe Phillips is the founder of the Central Park Scoop. He is a Central Park resident focused on real estate brokerage and property management in the neighborhood. He writes regularly about the community, events, real estate, parenting, and life in the 80238.
[email protected] | (720) 299-1730
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As the owner of a puppy mill breeding dog, I am so grftuael for you sharing this information and book! I wish more people knew what kind of conditions these dogs face in a puppy mill. One pet store owner told me that a facility in Southern MN wasn’t a puppy mill because it was clean. What? Seriously? The place has 491 breeding pairs, numerous USDA violations and brokers dogs for backyard breeders with numerous violations. Just because a facility is clean doesn’t mean it is not a puppy mill.Thank you for educating people on what they are and how they can avoid getting a dog from one. And, thank you for providing a resource for those of us who adopt puppy mill dogs. It is a missing piece that is very much needed.
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Kjempegøy!!!Dette er det bare du som klarer,ler godt her nÃ¥ :o)Vrir hodet mitt for Ã¥ finne en bra løsning til denne opg,men det kommer vel iløpet av dagen –
Hey Keith, what about the people who are suddenly out of a job in this horrible economy? Good riddance to them too? This has got to be one of the most disrespectful post on this forum since I started reading it. These people, who WORKED are now suddenly, unexpectidly unemployed. Not to mention another empty building in El Dorado…
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This is absorbing and affecting, but if you want to sustain romantic relationships with men like The Farmer (indeed, with most men), you will have to stop discussing them in your blog.
I dunno. Quinn was wildly inaccurate even when he wasn’t under pressure, and he had a decent amount of time on the field to get those issues worked out. The fact that I consider Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace to be an upgrade for my Browns over Quinn and Derek Anderson probably tells you all you need to know.
this out loud too. Perhaps it’s self-propagating. I will make sure I don’t even think it anymore. He has a wonderful tummy! Yes, much better. Good post, thanks.
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