When I started my public and private Preschool and Kindergarten search for my oldest son in 2013, to say I was overwhelmed was an understatement. I did hours and hours of research, created a spreadsheet to track my options, and made a ridiculous number of phone calls. But, I still felt like I was missing key pieces of the puzzle. I couldn’t get all of my questions answered in one place, and after talking to many other parents, I found a pattern. In early 2015, Preparing for Denver Kindergarten was created to help Denver area parents of littles aged 2-5+ navigate the search for public and private Preschool and Kindergarten. And, this year, thanks to a partnership with Stapleton Scoop, we are offering DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone-specific classes just for you!
Check out the list below for a few dozen best practices to give perspective when starting to think about Kinder in the DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone:
Stapleton Preschool & Kindergarten Search Best Practices
- Treat your Kindergarten search like you would/did treat your Preschool search (consider commute time, budget/cost, scores, size/demographics, and your tours)
- You are guaranteed a spot at ONE of the six DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone (SEZ) Elementary Schools starting in Kindergarten
- By being offered a spot at a school outside of the SEZ, you lose your legally guaranteed SEZ spot (e.g. lottery schools, Public Charter, Dual Language, Montessori, Expeditionary)
- DPS ECE3 (High Tech has ½ Day) and ECE4 (all except for Inspire) Preschool is not guaranteed for anyone at any school (supply and demand)
- Know your SEZ Proximity Zone, Priorities, Deadlines, Resources, Odds, and HGT feeder school(s)
- Tour all SEZ schools within your commute preference
- DPS Round 1 Choice is due at the end of February (ECE3 – 12th Grade); Most Private school applications are due in December or January
- Scores are only one of many things to consider – don’t let them keep you from touring/considering Public Schools
- DPS cost is based upon the number of people in your family and your Gross Monthly Income (ECE3/ECE4 ½ Day will max out at $424 per month, ECE3/ECE4 Full Day will max out at $848; Kindergarten will max out at $319 per month)
- Don’t forget to calculate cost of before and after school care ($100-$641 per month, depending on how many days per week, school, and AM/PM needs) – sign up for any school you have a spot in, and those that you are waitlisted at in May (before school starts)!
- Don’t let the cost of Private Schools keep you from applying (many have large scholarship budgets)
- Tour each of your top 5-7 Schools with your partner (if possible)
- Find the best option for your child
- Assess/Test/Advocate for your child, if needed (IQ/Highly Gifted, 504/IEP, Developmental)
- Think one year at a time to start
Want to learn more?
We are offering a Stapleton specific Preparing for Denver Kindergarten class 02/10/18 from 9:30am – 1:30pm at the Moorehead Recreation Center. $75 per couple with FREE childcare for 2 kiddos aged 2 years+ (we can sometimes make exceptions for younger siblings age 18 months – 2 years). You can register now at www.
We also offer hourly and package consultations – like us at www.facebook.com/PreparingforDenverKindergarten to stay up to date, and to add yourself to our email list!
You can also contact DPS directly to learn more:
- DPS Choice Office: http://schoolchoice.dpsk12.org/ (ask for the SEZ specialist)
- DPS Gifted & Talented Office: https://studentequity.dpsk12.org/gifted-talented/
- DPS Early Education Office: http://earlyeducation.dpsk12.org/
- DPS Discovery Link (SEZ Before & After Care): http://discoverylink.dpsk12.org/program-locations/