When I started my public and private Preschool and Kindergarten search for my oldest son in 2013, to say I was overwhelmed was an understatement.  I did hours and hours of research, created a spreadsheet to track my options, and made a ridiculous number of phone calls.  But, I still felt like I was missing key pieces of the puzzle.  I couldn’t get all of my questions answered in one place, and after talking to many other parents, I found a pattern.  In early 2015, Preparing for Denver Kindergarten was created to help Denver area parents of littles aged 2-5+ navigate the search for public and private Preschool and Kindergarten.  And, this year, thanks to a partnership with Stapleton Scoop, we are offering DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone-specific classes just for you!

Check out the list below for a few dozen best practices to give perspective when starting to think about Kinder in the DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone:

Stapleton Preschool & Kindergarten Search Best Practices

  1. Treat your Kindergarten search like you would/did treat your Preschool search (consider commute time, budget/cost, scores, size/demographics, and your tours)
  2. You are guaranteed a spot at ONE of the six DPS Stapleton Enrollment Zone (SEZ) Elementary Schools starting in Kindergarten
  3. By being offered a spot at a school outside of the SEZ, you lose your legally guaranteed SEZ spot (e.g. lottery schools, Public Charter, Dual Language, Montessori, Expeditionary)
  4. DPS ECE3 (High Tech has ½ Day) and ECE4 (all except for Inspire) Preschool is not guaranteed for anyone at any school (supply and demand)
  5. Know your SEZ Proximity Zone, Priorities, Deadlines, Resources, Odds, and HGT feeder school(s)
  6. Tour all SEZ schools within your commute preference
  7. DPS Round 1 Choice is due at the end of February (ECE3 – 12th Grade); Most Private school applications are due in December or January
  8. Scores are only one of many things to consider – don’t let them keep you from touring/considering Public Schools
  9. DPS cost is based upon the number of people in your family and your Gross Monthly Income (ECE3/ECE4 ½ Day will max out at $424 per month, ECE3/ECE4 Full Day will max out at $848; Kindergarten will max out at $319 per month)
  10. Don’t forget to calculate cost of before and after school care ($100-$641 per month, depending on how many days per week, school, and AM/PM needs) – sign up for any school you have a spot in, and those that you are waitlisted at in May (before school starts)!
  11. Don’t let the cost of Private Schools keep you from applying (many have large scholarship budgets)
  12. Tour each of your top 5-7 Schools with your partner (if possible)
  13. Find the best option for your child
  14. Assess/Test/Advocate for your child, if needed (IQ/Highly Gifted, 504/IEP, Developmental)
  15. Think one year at a time to start

Want to learn more? 

We are offering a Stapleton specific Preparing for Denver Kindergarten class 02/10/18 from 9:30am – 1:30pm at the Moorehead Recreation Center.  $75 per couple with FREE childcare for 2 kiddos aged 2 years+ (we can sometimes make exceptions for younger siblings age 18 months – 2 years).  You can register now at www.preparingfordenverkindergarten.com/register.

We also offer hourly and package consultations – like us at www.facebook.com/PreparingforDenverKindergarten to stay up to date, and to add yourself to our email list!

You can also contact DPS directly to learn more: