If you have a kiddo(s) entering ECE3 through 12th grade in the Denver Public Schools system, you’ll want to understand the “School Choice” process. The process is required for kids entering ECE3, ECE4, Kindergarten, 6th, or 9th grade (or for those wishing to switch schools). If you’re in this boat, there’s a good chance you’re freaking out a little right now as this process can be somewhat overwhelming and confusing. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Round 1 of School Choice opened last week on Jan 14th and will close on February 15th, 2022 at 4pm. I recently sat down with school expert and owner of Colorado Educational Consulting, Keely Buchanan, to learn more. Keely helps Colorado families make informed educational choices for their up-and-coming Preschoolers, Kindergartners, Elementary, Middle, and High School children. You can get details on the School Choice process in the video below, and keep reading for some takeaways and additional resources.

Here are a few takeaways from the video:

  • DPS Choice Round 1 is open from Jan 14th until Feb 15th at 4pm.
  • There is no benefit in completing the process before Feb 15th.
  • DPS has a centralized, online process with one deadline for everyone.
  • You can submit and make changes as many times as you’d like before the deadline on Feb. 15th.
  • There is an algorithm that assigns you a random number, which is used in conjunction with each schools Admissions Priority Groups (Keely does a really nice job explaining this in the video).
  • Pro Tip: for ECE 3&4, use all 12 choice slots. For Kinder, use 6-9 slots (including all 6 schools in the Central Park Enrollment Zone).
  • Keely offers educational consulting in a variety of formats to help you navigate this process.


Keely Buchanan phone: (303) 638-2894

Email: [email protected]

Colorado Educational Consulting website

How do Schools Work in Central Park?

How to Navigate the School Enrollment Process in Central Park

Pro Tips for Touring Schools in the Central Park Neighborhood

Round I Choice and Enrollment website: https://schoolchoice.dpsk12.org/schoolchoice/round-1/

Denver Public Schools – School Finder: https://dps.schoolmint.net/school-finder/home