January is a wonderful time of year full of new beginnings, resolutions, promising new healthy habits for you and your family; and on top of all that… it’s time to wake up at 6 am on a random Wednesday morning to ensure your child gets one of the coveted hot summer camp spots (kidding, not kidding!)

There are several camps that have already opened registration links, but the majority will not open registration until the middle of January.  

These camps are all in the Denver area (with a wide variety here in Central Park).  They are day camps focusing on preschool-middle school.

As my kiddo is getting older, I’m now looking into more overnight camp options.  HERE is a link to the best overnight camps in several states (including Colorado).  Who says you can’t make an overnight camp for your kiddo in another state a fun family adventure?!

Please let me know if we missed a camp.  Please send an email to [email protected] and I’ll add it right away.

Photo by Alexander Grey: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-kid-with-multicolored-hand-paint-1148998/