Coming home from trick-or-treating usually involves convincing your child not to eat any more of their treats and go to bed… but for some families it means taking away most or all of their child’s treats.  Many children have food allergies or medical conditions which prohibit them from having candy.  It puts a bit of a damper on the Halloween Trick-or-Treating fun.

Based on the huge turnout of kids each year for Halloween in Stapleton there are bound to be quite a few kids that can’t partake in the candy.

The “Teal Pumpkin Project” is a solution for these kids and their parents.

Consider offering toy/sticker/pencil treats instead of food treats or having options of non-food treats for kids who cannot have candy.  Display a teal pumpkin in front of your house (or a sign) to let your neighbors know that their child can trick-or-treat at your home and have the joy of keeping the treat they receive.

You can find more information and ideas on the Teal Pumpkin Project website.

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!