Lisa and Wayne are repeat clients of mine in the Stapleton neighborhood.  They purchased a home to live in but they also have a goal of building a portfolio of close to home rental properties.

They have now purchased several rentals and they’re making great cash flow due to the high rental rates these days.  This is one of their recent rental property acquisitions!  It’s a detached single family KB Home with a basement and a backyard.  It’s right in the middle of the neighborhood and will always be highly desirable from a rental standpoint because it’s one of the least expensive detached home options in the area.

1 Comment

  • Kayleigh
    Posted January 2, 2017 9:55 pm 0Likes

    Jeg fÃ¥r alltid skrekkelig dÃ¥rlig samvittighet med en gang ordene &q;touoppbevaring" og "system" blir nevnt. I alle sammenhenger. Oppbevaringsmuligheter har vi, men jeg har bare ikke satt det i system. Enda. Og det er sÃ¥nn jobb! SÃ¥´e, kanskje jeg burde kaste meg over alle slike innlegg- og lære?..Nydelig skap. Har et gammel hjørneskap som jeg nok burde gÃ¥tt pÃ¥ med puss&mal… Senere en gang ;)Grattis med NIB-seier! 🙂 Klem

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