Yesterday, we had the opportunity to Welcome Lu Bird’s Light Playground, located at the Stanley Marketplace, to our community. This is the first inclusive playground in Denver and Aurora! Located on the West side of the marketplace, the playground includes state-of-the-art handicapped accessible swings, spinners, slides, musical sensory play equipment, smooth barrier-free surfacing and more!

The grand opening was truly a celebration of love and light; words that are precious to the Dawkins Family.  Lu Bird’s Foundation was founded in 2017 in honor of Lucia, “LuBird”, who was diagnosed with Pallister Killian Syndrome, a rare genetic condition, at 2 weeks old. Like all children, she deserves to be included, feel joy, and share the same experiences as others. Lu Bird’s Light Foundation strives to create a brighter world for exceptional kids by creating play spaces for all.

To see all the children playing together and making new friends regardless of any challenges they may face, was heartwarming. The foundation continues to touch other communities by enhancing existing playgrounds throughout the Metro area. We have no doubt their mission will touch countless lives and help change the way playgrounds are built in the future. Thank you, Lu Bird’s Foundation, for having the vision and passion to bring this amazing playground to the community where all can partake in the fun and grow together through play and interaction.  

To continue to support their vision and donate to their amazing foundation, please visit Lu Bird’s Light Foundation website at