Summer is winding down and you have a few weeks (at most!) before Stapleton schools start. If I could guess how some of you may be feeling I’d guess your summer has flown by in the blink of an eye and the thought of school starting soon (along with all the related activities that come with it!) are causing some stress to settle in the back of your mind.
Well, I have a book that may be of big help to you and I enjoyed it so much I’m willing to drop a copy on your Stapleton porch if you want one. (completely free for first 10 people who take me up on it!)
The book is “The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family” by Patrick Lencioni. I just finished it and I found it so relatable that I wanted to share it before I get too busy. (which is the exact problem the book discusses!)
The book in a nutshell is about how we often work off a plan and some guiding values at work but we don’t take this same approach in our family life. We wing it. We just take on life as it comes at us with no predefined plan for what matters and what doesn’t. “Can you host the PTA party to raise money for the school?”… “Basketball was fun, do you want to be coach again?”… “My daughter wants to start a book club, will your daughter join?”… “Dad I want to learn to ride horses, can I”… any of this sound familiar? (Stapleton moms, I’m looking at you although dads can probably relate too)
With all these requests flying at you and an already full schedule how are you supposed to handle it all? The toughest part is all of these requests are good causes… so how can you say no?! You can wing it and do your best… but my guess is that feels out of control, exhausting and unfulfilling.
The book suggests you can know what to say “yes” to and what to politely say “no” to if you and your family have a shared purpose and an understanding of what’s important right now. If you’re all on the same page about what’s important right now and what you’re focused on you’ll know if that request coming your way fits with your plans or is just a distraction (even if it is a good cause).
Sounds good, but how can you get to that point? The book explains you need to answer three big questions together:
What makes the [insert your family name here] family unique?
What is the most important priority in our lives right now?
How will we keep these things alive?
I’m not gonna dive into all these here cause I wanna keep this short. You’ll have to read the book to find out but I promise it’s a book you can knock out in a weekend.
After reading the book it makes sense to me why life can feel so hectic and overwhelming… we don’t have any clarity about what matters most to us as a family.
This book can help you get there. It’s practical and easy, not overwhelming. Seems like the perfect book to read to get your mindset right going into a new school year. I think it’ll give you the framework to approach all that’s coming your way with purpose and excitement, rather than stress and worry.
I’ll leave you with the quote from the wife of the author who explains how things are going in their family since they started applying the methodology outlined in the book:
“We’re finally tackling these things now because they’re part of our focused, stated priorities. When something is part of a bigger goal that I know we’re going to be talking about every week, it’s harder for me to let it get pushed aside by those pesky, tactical and artificially urgent things that distract us from what really matters. Now I can let some things go that I would have felt guilty about ignoring in the past when everything was equally important. Now our family has real clarity”.
If this sounds good to you please take me up on getting your free copy of the book. Just email me at [email protected] with your name and address and I’ll drop the book off on your porch. No catch. My hope is that you’ll read it, apply it and pass it along to a neighbor.
Have a great school year. (and go Bobcats!)