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Category: Community Posts

September 1, 2016

How Do I Know if My Child has Autism?

“So what is it that you do?” – this is a very simple question, but not easy to for me to answer. In polite conversation I am most likely to respond generally with something like “I work in education” or “I work with kids with Autism.” This is usually a sufficient response. The true answer […]

August 23, 2016

8 Special Education Myths Debunked

Back to school time! Most families are thick in conversation about supply lists, back to school haircuts, and anticipating the latest backpack trend, but back to school can be extremely stressful for one particular group of families—families of students with disabilities. The stresses of what classroom and teacher has been assigned, the schedule of the […]

Being a Caretaker, for Yourself

Many realizations happen in one’s life due to life altering experiences. My realization occurred after my daughter was birthed into the world. My daughter had a challenging entry into the world. She suffered from meconium aspiration (inhaling her feces during birth) and had to spend the first 8 days of her new life in the […]

August 16, 2016

The Value of Starting a Business with your Kids

I don’t know about you but when I was growing up I never really thought much about having my own business. It just wasn’t a topic much in my household. The plan was always go to college and get a good job. Now that I have my own kids and now that I’ve experienced both […]

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